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Deb's Speaker Coaching | Speak to grow your business

Business Speaker Academy

Business Speaker Academy.

An encouraging place to embrace the art of public speaking so you can grow your business, your brand and you!

gain valuable insights into what makes a great presentation and a sought-after speaker

The Business Speaker Academy is for anyone who aspires to:

Business speaker academy.

Small groups, encouraging environment, powerful outcomes!

Deb DiSandro, award-winning Storyteller, TEDx Speaker, Corporate Trainer and Speaker Coach. In hands-on workshops, participant presentation “showcases” and other membership benefits create an experience-rich learning and practice environment.

Deb DiSandro brings her talents as a national speaker, award-winning storyteller, author, humor columnist, and comedian to this monthly venue. She connects your business story with your TED-Style speaking skills to make it meaningful, relate-able, and unforgettable. Drawing on 25+ years of storytelling and presenting, Deb will guide you every step of the way.

Become a Member

Business Speaker Academy is for anyone who speaks to grow their business, pitch their products, or present at work. In this encouraging and supportive monthly membership you will receive peer feedback, expert coaching and opportunities to practice and present. If you're looking for speaker coaching, this is a great environment for you to grow.

Open for Enrollment!!!

Business Speaker Academy 2024

See the Results!

Testimonial for Deb DiSandro, public speaker.
Deb is a smart, creative storyteller who coaches others with empathy.
Alexandra Smith
USA Today Network
Testimonial for Deb DiSandro, public speaker.
I would recommend Deb to anyone who wants to take their presentations up a notch, book more speaking gigs to promote their business, or conquer stage fright.
Molly McCowan
Inkbot Editing
Testimonial for Deb DiSandro, public speaker.
Working with Deb to craft my storytelling art was fun and impactful. She has a style unlike any other coach I've met before.
Alison Proffit
Founder of Proffit Coach